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Biblical resouces for preachers and teachers:

To help with sermon & Bible study preparation.




A Study of the Life and Characteristics of Abraham

Wrestling Face Off


A Study of the Life and Characteristics of Jacob



A Study of the Life and Characteristics of Joseph

1 Kings [Elijah]


What are characteristics of the man or woman God uses? What is God’s process for developing a person he can use greatly? As we study the life of Elijah, we learn something of these things. James 5:17-18 says this: “Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.” James essentially says even though Elijah accomplished many great things in his life . . .



What is the purpose of the book of Nehemiah? The primary purpose is to show God’s covenant faithfulness to Israel. Even though they have disobeyed God and are now out of the land, God still has plans to be faithful to his covenant with Abraham. In Genesis 13 God promised to give Abraham’s seed the land of Israel “forever” (v. 15). Though Israel is unfaithful, the faithful God brings them back to the land, first through Zerubbabel, then through Ezra and ultimately through Nehemiah. The book of . . .

The Sermon on the Mount


A study of the best sermon ever preached (Matt 5:7).

1 Timothy


Although 1 Timothy is often called a pastoral epistle, it doesn’t just speak to pastors. It speaks to all of us, because we’re all called to ministry. It instructs us on issues like combatting false teaching (Ch. 1), prayer and worship (Ch. 2), church organization (Ch. 3), the minister’s life and doctrine (Ch. 4), the mercy ministry of the church (Ch. 5), and the believer’s relationship with money (Ch. 6), among other things. It also encourages us to complete our God-given tasks, amidst various obstacles (cf. 1 Tim 1:18-19, 4:12). As we read it, we are challenged, like Timothy, to become good ministers of Christ Jesus, at a time when the church desperately needs them. Let’s study it together



An exposition of Ephesians



An exposition of Philippians



Paul’s letter is written to address the false teaching of a cult attacking the church of Colosse. This cult seemed to be an early form of Gnosticism. The Gnostics were primarily attacking the deity of Christ and the sufficiency of the gospel. They taught that in order for a person to be saved they must have a higher form of knowledge, a higher form of wisdom. The Gnostic name actually comes from the Greek word gnosis which means “to know.” The Gnostics were very syncretic in that they had many beliefs . . .

The Book of James.png
An exposition of James
1 Peter


Peter writes this letter to persecuted Christians in order to comfort them in the midst of their persecution. He comforts them with the reality of their salvation. In fact, in the introduction of the letter Peter starts off by calling them “elect” and speaking of the benefits of their election (1 Peter 1:1, 2). He then continues by praising God for their new birth and the unfading benefits of it (1:3-5). This is not the normal way you would comfort someone who is going through a hard time. However, if these believers . . .

Theology Proper


What is the highest good in life that anyone can pursue? In Latin there is a phrase called the Summum Bonnum that means “the highest good out of which all good flows.” Many pursue wisdom, social justice, wealth, power or physical strength as the highest good in life. However, none of these things compare to the benefits of knowing God. Listen to what the Lord says through  . . .




Sermons from various Bible texts


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